Applicators, mixers, dual cartridges and accessories for use with 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1 ratio materials. Static mixer nozzles for bulk dispensing machines. Techkit cartridges are used for all ratio materials. Low maintenance solutions, precise application of dual component materials.
We stock a full range of manual applicator guns for all sizes and ratio dual cartridges. Cost effective and useful for field work or low volume projects.
Air powered dispensing guns for dual component cartridges. In all sizes and ratios. These guns provide consistency and reduced hand fatigue.
Rechargeable cordless applicator guns for dual side by side cartridges. We stock a range of sizes and ratios. Portable with high power.
Coaxial cartridges handle dual component materials from a single style cartridge. Both ratios push through the centre of the cartridge.
Side by side dual cartridges in 50ml, 200ml, 400ml and 600ml. In mix ratios of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1. With a range of nozzles styles and piston types.
We stock mixer nozzles for dual cartridges and bulk mix machines. Nozzles in all mix ratios and manufacturer types. Industrial grade products.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Shrouds are recommended for use with static mixer nozzles used on high pressure meter mix dispensing pumps. For complete safety.
For use with 50ml 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1 ratio dual component cartridges. These dispensing systems connect to air powered dispensers with vacuum.
Single cartridges than hold and mix dual component materials. Barrier and injection style for all mix ratios and material types.
We supply a wide range of Techkit and Semkit cartridge mixer machines. From manual electric drives to fully automatic machines.
PU adhesives and epoxies are very cost effective and are used in automotive, aerospace, caravan, boat and other production assembly applications.
Please view or download a copy of our 2K product catalogue.
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